When talking about weight loss, the majority of the people you talk to are only concerned about the number their scale is showing. But following this approach can be detrimental to your health and might even lead to some unwanted injuries.
What you should focus on instead is the concept of body recomposition. In short, this is a more holistic approach where you are not only concerned with losing weight by any means, rather, you want to cut down on fat while simultaneously building muscle. This is a bit more complex approach, but it can produce amazing results and help you build the body you’ll be proud of.
Losing Fat And Building Muscles At The Same Time
Is this even possible?
Science says it is! But don’t think it’s something easy you can do in a couple weeks time. No, you need to invest months, and often, years of exercise, proper diet and lifestyle changes to be able to achieve it. And, if we’re talking about a specific study, there was one published by The Journal of the American Medical Association that showed that strength training resulted in an average 2.3 pound weight increase. You see, the scale showed weight increasing but test participants were both losing fat and putting on muscle mass.
Losing Fat
You probably already know that fat buildup is the direct result of your (poor) eating habits. The worse these habits are, the more weight you’re going to be putting on… especially if you’re leading a primarily sedentary way of life.
So, to begin your body recomposition process, you need to start from the very beginning and change your eating habits, the foods you eat and the quality of the food.
You must begin picking up meals that are good for you, rich in nutrients and healthy. You must also satisfy your protein needs, as it will be increasing once you start engaging in challenging physical activity.
Using Supplementation
If you’d like to speed up your fat burning process, in addition to changing your eating habits, you can try getting something like an over-the-counter fat burner. These mostly come in a pill form and are really effective when it comes to getting rid of the unwanted fat.
Another thing you can try are peptide supplements. One such, claimed to boost both weight loss and muscle gain is tesamorelin. You can find tesamorelin for sale in many different peptide supply stores, but make sure you pick the credible one.
Building Muscle
Once you’ve got your weight loss under control, it’s time to start thinking about putting on muscle mass. Here are some of the tips that are going to help you achieve your dream physique:
- Lift heavy weights – lifting heavy weights will push you towards both of your goals – losing weight and building muscles. Most coaches would agree you should target your large muscle groups with heavy, compounded exercises around 3 times per week for maximum results.
- Eating plenty of protein – this is the most commonly made mistake every beginner keeps on repeating. You need to eat a lot of protein to allow your muscles to grow.
- A mild calorie deficit – you need to allow for a mild caloric deficit so your body continues to lose weight, slowly over time. Combined with high protein intake, this will make the perfect environment for your muscles to grow while you are losing weight.
- Sleeping – there’s a lot of evidence that proper sleep improves the overall health and condition your body is in. It also helps it recover faster and more thoroughly, so, once you start engaging in demanding physical activity, you’re going to need to regulate your sleep. Even though sleep varies from person to person, you should aim for at least 7 hours each night. Ideally, you can even push it to 9, but we know this is challenging (sometimes even unachievable) in today’s way of life.
Final Thoughts On Losing Fat And Building Muscle
Though it sounds too good to be true, body recomposition actually is. But it requires a lot of hard work, dedication and probably a lifelong commitment so, if you are not ready for it, you’re probably in for a disappointment.
Before you even begin with the physical changes and challenges, you need to prepare your mind and know you’re going to face some incredibly hard adversities. But, keep reminding yourself at what’s waiting for you at the finish line and you’ll be able to push through!